Monday, 18 May 2020


This blog by The Academic Junction will help you to understand an actuarial fresher how they can land themselves into good job after completing their graduation.

In this present competitive world, landing up in an entry level actuarial science good job is not a cakewalk.

Below are the steps highlighted which will explain you how you can make yourself job ready in this profession of Actuarial Science.

Prepare your resume
- Make it one page.
- Include all your educational qualifications.
- Include number, name and society of exams cleared.
- Internship experience (If any)

When hundred of applicants are applying for a job, what will segregate your resume for others is additional technical knowledge that seems to be there in your resume. Current trend in market suggests learning excel, R programming and other data science courses like Python to gain a plus in your resume.

Maintain contacts and try to reach out to different companies
- Make your account on Linkedin and be active on it.
- Connect yourself to people of same profession
- Learn from their experiences and how they got their job.
- Increase your referrals and send your resumes through them.

Keep yourself well prepared for Interview call
- Keep revising concepts of Actuarial exams.
- Keep learning softwares to advance your technical skills.
- Keep your concepts of actuarial exams clear.

Keep yourself persistent and motivated
- Don’t get demotivated by rejections.
- Learn from your rejection experience.
- Keep trying and look out for better jobs.
- Keep clearing Actuarial exams.

The Academic Junction- Best Actuarial Science Coaching Institute in India provides coaching for Actuarial Science exams and prepares students so that they can land themselves into good actuarial science jobs. Lead is taken by Nearly Qualified Actuaries and All India Toppers.
The Academic Junction aims to be a premier institute of excellence for Educational & Corporate Training by future Actuaries themselves while at the same time promoting analytical thinking and independent judgement by maintaining high quality standards.

Actuarial Science Classes are available in Classroom/ Live online/Videos.

Actuarial Science Classroom Classes in Delhi means coming and attending physical classes at their centre.

Actuarial Science Online Classes means attending live online lectures while sitting at your home.
Actuarial Science Video lectures means attending classes at your own pace, convenience and flexibility through high quality Actuarial Science DTH classes.

Faculties at The Academic Junction are maintaining contacts with different companies and start-ups to find the correct job for aspiring students. Increase your chances to get a job by simply creating an account on website- uploading your resume to it and opening doors for opportunities for yourselves. Our experts will be reviewing your resume in detail to contribute a bit of us to get you job. We will notify you of upcoming opportunities that meet your profile. Good luck for your future career opportunities!!!!

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